Yang Miao

Master Student in Robotics, System and Control at ETH Zurich



Selected Projects





Papers under Review

Published Papers

Paper Figure

SceneGraphLoc: Cross-Modal Coarse Visual Localization on 3D Scene Graphs

We introduce a novel problem, i.e., the localization of an input image within a multi-modal reference map represented by a database of 3D scene graphs. These graphs comprise multiple modalities, including object-level point clouds, images, attributes, and relationships between objects, offering a lightweight and efficient alternative to conventional methods that rely on extensive image databases. Given the available modalities, the proposed method SceneGraphLoc learns a fixed-sized embedding for each node (i.e., representing an object instance) in the scene graph, enabling effective matching with the objects visible in the input query image. This strategy significantly outperforms other cross-modal methods, even without incorporating images into the map embeddings. When images are leveraged, SceneGraphLoc achieves performance close to that of state-of-the-art techniques depending on large image databases, while requiring three orders-of-magnitude less storage and operating orders-of-magnitude faster. The code will be made public.

Authors: Yang Miao, Francis Engelmann, Olga Vysotska, Federico Tombari, Marc Pollefeys, Daniel Barath

ECCV 2024

[preprint] [video] [webpage]
Paper Figure

Volumetric Semantically Consistent 3D Panoptic Mapping

We introduce an online 2D-to-3D semantic instance mapping algorithm aimed at generating comprehensive, accurate, and efficient semantic 3D maps suitable for autonomous agents in unstructured environments. The proposed approach is based on a Voxel-TSDF representation used in recent algorithms. It introduces novel ways of integrating semantic prediction confidence during mapping, producing semantic and instance-consistent 3D regions. Further improvements are achieved by graph optimization-based semantic labeling and instance refinement. The proposed method achieves accuracy superior to the state of the art on public large-scale datasets, improving on a number of widely used metrics. We also highlight a downfall in the evaluation of recent studies: using the ground truth trajectory as input instead of a SLAM-estimated one substantially affects the accuracy, creating a large gap between the reported results and the actual performance on real-world data.

Authors: Yang Miao, Iro Armeni, Marc Pollefeys, Daniel Barath

IROS 2024 (Oral Pre)

[preprint] [video] [code]
Paper Figure

3D Computer Vision for Automation of Port Operations

Achieving port automation of machinery at bulk terminals is a challenging problem due to the volatile operation environments and complexity of bulk loading compared to the situations in container terminals. In order to facilitate port automation, we present a method of hull modeling (reconstruction of hull’s structure) and operation target (cargo holds under loading) identification based on 3D point cloud collected by Laser Measurement System mounted on the ship loader. In the hull modeling algorithm, we incrementally register pairs of point clouds and reconstruct the 3D structure of bulk ship’s hull blocks in details through process of encoder data of the loader, FPFH feature matching and ICP algorithm. In the identification algorithm, we project real-time point clouds of the operation zone to spherical coordinate and transforms the 3D point clouds to 2D images for fast and reliable identification of operation target. Our method detects and complements four edges of the operation target through process of the 2D images and estimates both posture and size of operation target in the bulk terminal based on the complemented edges. Experimental trials show that our algorithm allows us to achieve the reconstruction of hull blocks and real-time identification of operation target with high accuracy and reliability.

Authors: Yang Miao, Changan Li, Zhan Li, Yipeng Yang, Xinghu Yu

Measurement and Control, 2021
